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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Announcement 4: Due Date for Submitting Last Images for our Mural Design

This Saturday, April 3, by 5 p.m. will be the due date for submitting any more images for our mural design. Next Tuesday, April 6, will be the last day for finalizing our mural design. There will be no more extension given to anyone. As I have told you if you didn't contribute any images or ideas for this design process, you will lost maximum of 30 points in this mural painting class. If you were absent from last class, you should be make up your missing time and check with your peers to see anything you need to do, like reading the mural books which we circulated during the class and the following week. Also, I have posted the draft mural design on our blog to let you keep up with the design process. If you have any questions, please send me your comments via our discussion forum. Remember, the success of this mural project is depended on individual accountability and group interdependability.  

Prof. Kong Ho

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mural Painting Production Time Frame

·      February 16 & 23, 2010: A series of Powerpoint presentations of American mural art movement. Set up our course blog for both ways communication and blog journal.

·      March 2& 8, 2010: We each flesh out our individual contributions to prepare preliminary ideas and share images and sketches. Comment on common themes that we see emerging from our ideas, images, and sketches. Some of us will respond for documentation of our design process.

·      March 15, 22, & 29, 2010: Distill our comments down the first draft of major themes, and the content that will represent these themes. Compose our initial digital mural design collectively through class meetings and blog communication.  Finalize our digital mural design by the end of March.

·      April 5 & 12, 2010: Begin working on our mural color layout and enlarge the linear layout. Some of us document our painting process.

·      April 19 & 26, 2010: Troubleshooting to solve any unpredictable problem in composition, layout enlarging, and mural painting practice. Then we work on any additional work such as wall and colors preparation needed to be done ahead of time before actual mural painting

·      May 3 & 10, 2010: Start our mural production first stage: underpainting.

·      May 17, 24 & 31, 2010: We work collaboratively together on actual mural painting.

·      June 1-4, & 14-25, 2010: Begin our final production stage & varnishing.

·      June 28, 2010: Participate our final critique, reflection, assessment, follow-up with documentation presentation and celebration, and seek appropriate opportunity to work together for another mural in the future.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Instructions in Using

Herewith are two illustrations to show you the instructions in using to send your digital images to me. If you have any more question, please feel free to email me. 

Prof. Kong Ho

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Announcement 3: Sending Digital Images Instructions

I would be grateful if you can separate the image from background and save that layer with psd extension, Photoshop format, or tiff extension, TIFF format with transparent background, before you sent it to me via,

Also, please send me the image with the resolution of 300 dpi and the image size not larger than 1920 px X 2560 px and with 1 layer. You can delete the original image layer before you save it. The image size per layer should not larger than 14.1 MB. If you want to send me 3 layers (maximum) with different altered images, then the final image size of that layers image should not larger than 31.7 MB. Some of your peers may need help from you in sending out the images, so please be helpful to your peers. Remember all your participations are important to this mural painting project. If you have any question, please let me know.

Prof. Kong Ho

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mural Design Discussion Ideas from Kong Ho

My answers to the Think-Pair-Share Activity:
A1: My roles in this community mural project are facilitator, advocator, leader, mentor, partner, designer, and muralist. My past experience in community murals will be applied in this project and help me to be a good mentor and partner in this collaborative project.
A2: I expect the viewers to admire the diverse and similar cultures between Bulgaria and America with highlight in the arts, and understand the value of cultural exchange through art in this mural.
A3: Through comparison and contrast of two cultures, I expect to find a harmonious visual relationship in presenting the themes of culture and art.
A4: Any historical figures who has contributed to building the connection between two cultures no matter in art, science, or humanities.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Guidelines for Mural Design Research

Public Art: Mural Painting Prof. Kong Ho
Spring 2010, Tue: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Phone: 088 837 4557
National Academy of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria e-mail:

Guidelines for Mural Design Research:

Discussed Mural Design Ideas during Think-Pair-Share Activity:

Technological images, digital expression, spiritual icons, traditional design patterns, geometrical elements, poetic images, historical figures, ….

Below are the questions for the Think-Pair-Share Activity:
Q1: How do you see yourself and your art in this community mural project?
Q2: What do you want the viewers to see or to gain from this mural?
Q3: What are the most significant factors in visualizing our themes?
Q4: Which actual individual(s) or historical figure(s) should be used as part(s) of visual images for this mural and why?

Suggested questions to guide your thinking process in this mural design:
Q1: What is the similarities and differences between Bulgarian and American cultures?
Q2: How do we interpret the term culture? (history, language, beliefs, values, innovations including scientific and economic, arts, people, customs/traditions, social/political structure, etc.)
Q3: What are the significant symbols or icons of Bulgarian and American cultures?
Q4: What kinds of art work we will commonly use to represent Bulgarian and American art in traditional and contemporary sense?

Suggested topics for organizing your research or discussion:
Try to think about culture in terms of popular culture, such as history, holidays, sports, religion, cuisine, literature, art, music, dance, theater, fashion, television, films/cinema, and architecture, public art, firearms, etc.

Try to list the significant cultural identities between two cultures:
American culture: mainly composes by European ideals, especially British, and the ideals of Greek and Roman in building its capital; and domestic originality formed by cultural diversity or ethnic/racial difference.

American beliefs: democracy/freedom in expression, capitalism, civil liberties, monotheism (mainly Christianity), materialism, competitiveness, …

American cuisine: fusion of multiple ethnic or regional approaches in 20th century, hot dogs, hamburgers, pizzas, pastas, sodas, potato chips, corn cereals, etc.

Bulgarian culture: mainly related to Thracians, Greeks, Romans, Slavs, and Bulgars

Bulgarian cultural identities:
Excellent in goldsmith, 5th millennium BC;
Cyrillic alphabet, the second most-widely used alphabet in the world;
John Ataanasoff, a US citizen of Bulgarian descent, father of the digital computer;
Christo and Jeanne-Claude, famous for environmental art

Bulgarian beliefs: mainly Orthodox Christianity, little Muslim, democracy after 1989, …
Bulgarian cuisine: salads, soups, lucky charms, wines, etc.

Wikipedia links to Bulgarian and American cultures:

Monday, March 8, 2010

Announcement 2: Permissions set for our Discussion Forum

Announcement 2: Permissions for our Gmail Blog Discussion Forum

I just want to let you all know that I have added all of you as authors and readers in our discussion forum. From now on, our discussion forum is executive to our invited authors and readers only. That means no other bloggers can view or comment on our community blog but you. So please respond to the invitation by signing in with your Gmail address and password to browse our posts and post your comments or posts.

Prof. Kong Ho

Announcement 1: Change of Class Meeting Schedule

Announcement 1: Switching the Class Meeting Schedule

After checking with Prof. Oleg Gotchev, we have decided to switch back our class meeting schedule to Tuesday, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. because it will benefit all of us. It will be the last schedule change and I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused. So I will see you all next Tuesday, March 16, 2010.

Prof. Kong Ho

Monday, March 1, 2010

Assignment 2: Blog Journal Problem

Public Art: Mural Painting 
Prof. Kong Ho, e-mail:
Spring 2010, Tue: 1:35 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. 
National Academy of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria 

Assignment 2: Bulgarian-American Mural Painting Discussion Forum

Blog Journal Problem:
You will find there are five posts in our Blog Archive, including Welcome Note, Our Mural Problem, Presentation Format, Website List of US Mural Organizations and Education Institutions, Website List of US Mural Painting Materials Suppliers, and Website List of 12 Selected Outstanding US Contemporary Muralists.

All these supplementary information are provided to you in order to arouse your interest in studying the history of US mural art movement, the technical and conceptual achievement of some significant US contemporary muralists. All these knowledge will benefit you in your mural design and painting studies. You will find all these information are very useful if you spend time to check out all the websites one by one. Moreover, you will gain more benefit from doing your research by writing down your thought or opinion about each website list as your blog journal. For example, you can write your blog journal based on the following questions:
Q1: Which is the most admirable US contemporary muralist in the list?
Q2: Which is the most significant mural organization in the United States?
Q3: Which is the most important education institution in promoting mural painting curriculum in the United States?
Q4: Which is the best art supplies vendor in the United States?

You can write down your thought on any word processing software first and check the spelling. After you correct all the typos or errors, then you can copy and paste onto your new post under our Discussion Forum,

In case you have researched some interesting mural painting related websites, you are welcome to post your research information onto our Discussion Forum to share with all of us. Again, remember your participation in this collaborative mural design and painting process is very important for you in earning your participation points for this course. The ultimate goal of this collaborative mural design and painting course is to develop autonomous, articulate, and independent thinking individuals. The critical factors for a successful collaborative mural painting course or project are based on positive group interdependence and individual accountability. Therefore your self-motivation in engaging in all our class activities is crucial to this class.

Finally, remember to post your blog journal onto our Discussion Forum to share with others in a timely manner.

Assignment 1: Think-Pair-Share Problem

Public Art: Mural Painting 
Prof. Kong Ho, e-mail:
Spring 2010, Tue: 1:35 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. 
National Academy of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria 

Assignment 1: Mural Design Ideas Forum

Think-Pair-Share Problem:
We will divide into several pair-group. Then each one will interview one's partner based on the following questions related to the major theme of our prospective mural—cultural exchange between Bulgaria and the United States of America with visual art component. Then interviewer will write down your partner's answers to the questions. After that, your partner will interview you and jot down your answers to the same questions.

Q1: How do you see yourself and your art in this community mural project?
Q2: What do you want the viewers to see or to gain from this mural?
Q3: What are the most significant factors in visualizing our themes?
Q4: Which actual individual(s) or historical figure(s) should be used as part(s) of visual images for this mural and why?

When everyone has expressed their ideas, we will collect all the ideas and organize them into two major groups. Each group will have a group leader who will lead the discussion in order to find some common threads among all these ideas. After we finalize all outstanding creative ideas for each group, then we will exam all these common threads and further narrow them down into a short list of three to four themes.

We will continue our discussion in figuring out the possibilities of collecting some visual images to visualize these ideas. Then we will divide ourselves into a group of four to five participants who will collect certain visual images for given idea or direction.

We will have another problem or in-class activity for next class to further discuss the collected visual images and start our next discussion of composing all these visual images.

Remember your participation in this collaborative mural design process is very important for you in earning your participation points for this course. If you have any more questions or ideas, you can post them onto our online Bulgarian-American Mural Painting 2010 Discussion Forum on Google Blog at the following blog site:

You also need to have a Google Gmail account in order to sign in as one of the followers in our online Discussion Forum. If you don't have a Gmail account, then please set up one at the following site:

Finally, you are always welcome to share your comments on our discussion, your peer's ideas or questions by posting your comments onto our online Discussion Forum.

Websites for 12 Selected Outstanding US Contemporary Muralists

Public Art: Mural Painting National Academy of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria
Prof. Kong Ho

12 Selected Outstanding US Contemporary Muralists' Websites:

1. Judith Baca:
2. Jane Golden:
3. Kent Twitchell:
4. John Pugh:
5. Art Mortimer:
6. Meg Saligman:
7. Donald Gensler:
8. Eric Okdeh:
9. Tom Mosser:
10. Ed Massey:
11. Diane Keller:
12. Robert Wyland:

Websites for US Mural Painting Art Suppliers

Public Art: Mural Painting National Academy of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria
Prof. Kong Ho

US Mural Painting Art Supplies Websites:

1. Utrecht Art Supplies in New Jersey, provides high quality acrylics and gel mediums
Utrecht Art Supplies, 6 Corporate Drive, Cranbury, NJ 08512-3616, U.S.A.
Tel: 1-609-409-8001 or 1-800-223-9132, Fax: 1-609-409-8002 or 1-800-382-1979

2. Blick Dick Art Materials in Illinois, a major art supplies vendor for academic institutions
Blick Art Materials, P.O. Box 1267, Galesburg, IL 61402-1267
Tel: 1-309-343-6161, or 1-800-828-4548, Fax: 1-309-343-5785 or 1-800-621-8293

3. Golden Artist Colors Inc. in New York, offers artists' grade acrylics but online sale
Golden Artist Colors, 188 Bell Road, New Berlin, NY 13411-9527
Tel: 1-607-847-6154 or 1-800-959-6543, Fax: 1-607-847-6767

4. Nova Color in California, offer industrial professional grade acrylics and gel mediums
Nova Color Arists' Acrylic Paint, 5894 Blackwelder Street, Culver City, CA 90232-7304
Tel: 1-310-204-6900, Fax: 1-310-838-2094

5. Daniel Smith in Washington, offers high quality acrylics & gel medium
Daniel Smith Seattle, 4150 First Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98134
Tel: 1-206-812-5777 or 1-800-426-6740, Fax: 1-206-224-0404, 1-800-238-4065

6. QST Industries, Inc. in Chicago, supplies parachute cloth for mural painting
QST Industries, Inc., 525 W. Monroe, Suite 1400, Chicago, IL 60661
Tel: 312-930-9400, Fax: 312-648-0312

QST Europe SRL - Romania
Parc Industrial Comuna Holboca, Iasi, Romania, Roland Pelz
Tel: +49-7321-720933, Fax: +49-7321-720935