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Monday, March 1, 2010

Assignment 1: Think-Pair-Share Problem

Public Art: Mural Painting 
Prof. Kong Ho, e-mail:
Spring 2010, Tue: 1:35 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. 
National Academy of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria 

Assignment 1: Mural Design Ideas Forum

Think-Pair-Share Problem:
We will divide into several pair-group. Then each one will interview one's partner based on the following questions related to the major theme of our prospective mural—cultural exchange between Bulgaria and the United States of America with visual art component. Then interviewer will write down your partner's answers to the questions. After that, your partner will interview you and jot down your answers to the same questions.

Q1: How do you see yourself and your art in this community mural project?
Q2: What do you want the viewers to see or to gain from this mural?
Q3: What are the most significant factors in visualizing our themes?
Q4: Which actual individual(s) or historical figure(s) should be used as part(s) of visual images for this mural and why?

When everyone has expressed their ideas, we will collect all the ideas and organize them into two major groups. Each group will have a group leader who will lead the discussion in order to find some common threads among all these ideas. After we finalize all outstanding creative ideas for each group, then we will exam all these common threads and further narrow them down into a short list of three to four themes.

We will continue our discussion in figuring out the possibilities of collecting some visual images to visualize these ideas. Then we will divide ourselves into a group of four to five participants who will collect certain visual images for given idea or direction.

We will have another problem or in-class activity for next class to further discuss the collected visual images and start our next discussion of composing all these visual images.

Remember your participation in this collaborative mural design process is very important for you in earning your participation points for this course. If you have any more questions or ideas, you can post them onto our online Bulgarian-American Mural Painting 2010 Discussion Forum on Google Blog at the following blog site:

You also need to have a Google Gmail account in order to sign in as one of the followers in our online Discussion Forum. If you don't have a Gmail account, then please set up one at the following site:

Finally, you are always welcome to share your comments on our discussion, your peer's ideas or questions by posting your comments onto our online Discussion Forum.


  1. hallo :) i hope its not a mistake to post this here :)

    so here are my answers(Stefan Krustev):

    Q1:I see my self helping with ideas and technical work (drawing, painting etc.)

    Q2:I'd like the viewer to be impressed of how well made and modern the mural is though its about national culture and tradition

    Q3:I'd like the mural to have some of are traditional motives (colors, patterns etc.) and still look modern.

    Q4:My suggestions for historical figures are: Hristo Botev(poet and revolutionary), Dimcho Debelianov(poet),Vasil Levski(revolutionary)

  2. Q1: I think this project is a good opportunity for all of us to present how we see the world of mural painting. I personally want to create not just a wall but something like a mirror door to the imaginary world.
    Q2: As I said may be illusion by dimensions.
    Q3: According to me, there are various styles in Bulgarian ornaments that could be really interesting to design in modern way.
    Q4: My suggestions: Hristo Botev, Vasil Levskiand may be the cathedral of St.Aleksander Nevski.

  3. Hey and sorry for the delay.

    Q1:For this project I would like to make a conection between the past and the future.I would be able to contribute with geometry architecture,drawing,fonts etc.

    Q2:A combination between the past and the future, representing the mixture of culture and lifestyle.

    Q3:According to me the most important factors are the cyrilic alphabet as well as the folk motives.

    Q4:My suggestions:
    Hristo Botev
    Ivan Vasov
    Kiril and Metodii

  4. Q1: I would like to help with any technical matter and ideas, also i wish to combine different stilistics as sort of cultural interaction.

    Q2: Expend the border of "vew" in today's bulgarian mural art, and open people's interest in something different

    Q3: Innovation leaded by culture collaboration

    Q4: John Atanasoff, Dimcho Debelyanov, Kaloyan Mahlyanov - Kotoōshū Katsunori

  5. Q1 - It is obvious that digital technologies will come quite in handy. Let's not forget that we can use mixed media any time we want to.
    Q2 - Deep psychological interference is an issue. I create it my sketches, paintings, graphics and will appear in murals as well.
    Q3 - I don't like traditionalism. I prefer to look at a mural's aspects in an extraordinary way.
    Q4 - Well... we are talking about an absurd, preposterous, overwhelmingly disturbing nation, "country" that we live in. I'm going to use Aleko Konstantinov's fictional character Bay Ganyo.He is at present considered an exemplary image of an anti-hero: uneducated, ignorant, egoistic. Sometimes perceived as an ethnic stereotype of the uneducated, profit-driven and oriental Bulgarian and indeed the average Balkan person, he is often seen merely as a social stereotype, a member of the Principality of Bulgaria's newly-formed lower bourgeoisie.

  6. Q1: I see myself contributing to the mural painting by accomplishing a better realism and pointing out the detail.
    Q2: I would like to impress the viewer with the technical accomplishments and the modern character in the mural
    Q3: Emphasis on the Bulgarian culture and bulgarian achievements all over the world
    Q4: John Atanasov, Stefka Kostadinova, Christo Yavashev

  7. Hi, there and sorry for the delay.

    Q1 - I would like to add the most extraordinary and contemporary vision of this project.
    Q2 - What do I like the viewers to see or to gain ...well I guess I would like they to have fun when they look at this mural...
    Q3 - I think it would be interesting if there is elements of the Bulgarian national costumes and ceramical painting combined with contemporary elements.
    Q4 - My suggestions are: khan Asparuh, khan Krum, Vasil Levski, Hristo Botev.
