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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Announcement 24: Final Exam Period Mural Painting Sessions

Five of you showed up in today's mural painting session. Due to your final exams schedule on June 5, 9, 12, & 16. So we have to reschedule the remain mural painting sessions to allow you to have one to two days time to study before your exam. Our new schedule are as the following: June 2, 7 , 9, & 14, (3 hours per session) 17, 18, & 20, (whole day from 10:00 to 17:00), 21 to 23 (3 hours per session). I will be in the studio to paint on all above dates plus June 3, 8, 15, & 16 , except June 7 and 9 & 14 for presenting papers at two conferences in Athens and Washington DC. Well, I have posted today's mural painting progress photos on this announcement.

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