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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Announcement 13: Change of Mural Design Due to Inappropriate Image

Due to the inappropriate image of double-headed eagle, which commonly represents Russian imperial symbol, so I have to replace it with another double headed eagle suggested by Prof. Gotchev. The image is found in Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) and it is very old Proto-Bulgarian's symbol brought by the people when they established Bulgarian first state. This relief is from IX-X c. AD and you can find more information from the following link, which is provided by Anelia Aleksandrova:

This design error is caused by irresponsible submission of images for our collaborative design. All of us have to respond to it. Usually, we won't change the design once it is finalized. This is a exceptional case because of the political sensitiveness towards previous image. I have to print out another two section images for section 5 and 8 and whole design. Also, I have attached the amended mural design and new divided sections of this mural in this message.

From now on, we all have to work together to get all the sections done by June 15, five weeks from now. On that Tuesday, we will install all the sections onto the wall. Then we will refine or retouch all the details because we need time to join all the pieces together and make sure all the colors are matched with the design. Moreover, even you are assigned for one section of the mural, it doesn't mean you are only work for one section. You have already realized that we all have worked on the first section. So each of you have your responsibility to work on other sections once your section is done. That is call "collaborative" and group interdependability.

I would like to remind all of you again, your final grade is depended on your contribution to the mural design, participating in the mural painting and your attendance and learning attitude. You will fail in this course if your participation and attendance is poor because it is not fair to your peers who have worked hard for this course. Also, you have to remember to bring your palette and brushes to class. You don't expect your peers will give you the art supplies to work. Furthermore, I need to remind you about the classroom civility. This includes coming to class on time, not disrupting the class with cell phones, and leaving class before scheduled time.

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