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Friday, May 28, 2010

Announcement 22: Rescheduling the Remain Class Sessions

As you all know that we had to cancel our last Thursday, May 27th class due to unavailability of the painting studio which we all didn't know before our regular meeting time. Anyway, we have to reschedule the remain class sessions to make up the time we miss for this whole week. So we will meet next Monday, May 31st, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. for 3 hours. Also, all classes will be end by next Monday, so we should not have any more studio unavailability problem happen. So we will meet from Monday to Thursday, May 31st to June 3rd for next week. In case our mural painting progress is not faster enough to make up all the time we have lost, we will have another 4 days mural painting sessions for the week of June 7. The due date for installing the mural fabric can't be delay any more because we will have to refine or retouch the mural after joined all the mural fabric sections together. We will get our mural done if we all contribute our best in this project.

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