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Friday, February 25, 2011

How to Arrange the Images Related with Diverse Academic Subjects

The main design idea is to apply the mosaic opus principles in composing all images related with diverse academic subjects hosted in the Swarts Hall, a complex teaching facility in the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford.
The first principle is to use the "opus musivum", shown in the following image.

The second principle is to use the "opus reticulatum", shown in the following image.

The final principle is to use the "opus regulatum", shown in the following image.

However, the dimension of the grid is too small, so we decide to use double size of the grid for the final dimensional grid-like structure, shown in the following image.

The final layout or scheme for the mural design combines the grid-like structure with the placement of diverse academic subjects, shown in the following image.


  1. The concept of interdisciplinary studies and the pursuit of knowledge as a noble and life changing activity is beautifully and elegantly illustrated in Oleg Gotchev's graphic studies for a proposed community mural to be completed by his mural painting class at UPB in the spring of 2011. I believe that everyone who is witness to the evolution of his powerful design will agree that he possess the insight and skills of a true Renaissance scholar and artist. In a world where craftsmanship and a dedication to communicating the need for academic values has been suppressed in exchange for unskilled graffiti scribblings as a mean's for examining and enjoying expressive art, I find Gotchev's art to be a welcome return to art of the highest caliber.

  2. Greetings from Bulgaria.

    Those days I spend some time with this blog and posts about the future mural in the University of Pittsburgh. Martie Geiger-Ho you are right. Our master acad. prof. Oleg Gotchev is making history. Many decades ago people were notable for their tremendous talent. Researchers, scholars, scientists, painters, architects, inventors ect...
    .... Those people had one big problem - technical impossibility. They had one life with plenty of time to experiment, to divide, subtracts, to think, to IMAGINE. Maybe 12-14 hours a day, but without a result...

    .... Nowadays we lose our life in waiting for something for hours, traveling hours and hours everyday. Watching TV and so on... thinking about our boring lives. Without giving a chance to our imagination and creativity skills.
    This is something that our master acad. prof. Oleg Gotchev had overcome (maybe even he didn't had that modern illness at all).I suggest that his project "Maxi - Mural Project" with the chances to be sensed, played, even designed from any ordinary man will make UPB historical and really popular place in USA. Rare chance to be touched by something new, to be really different and original. This mural project is only the beginning of an era ...

    .... By the other side if it's truly and 100% impossible to make this reality. We can think about something in the middle, without losing maybe the fundamental thing in this project -> the "motion" and "dynamic", the different faces.
    The hole project is dedicated to the symbolics, signs, science, consciousness and most notable - the human being.
    While I'm writing this comment I've got an idea. We can choose from several different kind of techniques and color schemes for the final result and as a ready mural. The classical, static mural can be made on 3-4 layer / boards. In the middle of all them we will have an axis or/with a bezel. The idea is to have the opportunity to spin the triangle and the square around/with the circle.
    ... Why?

    ... If we say that we can stake on the simbolics in this mural project. We can spin only the triangle with the head of the women inscribed in it to 180 degrees.
    In this case, if we have the waiting head of the man inscribed on the square, hidden from the woman's head and triangle , we can see that when we spin the triangle to 180 degrees.... there are some symbols hidden in this puzzle. For example, we will find the sign for infinity, we will find the pentagram with his "evil" side, and if we made full 180 degrees spin of the woman and man, we will made it positive again (maybe the most notable and magical sign in the early human history) . We will find yoni symbol not only in the hands of the man and woman, but their both bodies will make it almost right (a little bit synthesization will work nice) ..
    (Human's brain has the rare possibility to see and finish hidden characters, letters, stokes. Like artists we аre supposed to take advantage of that)

    Depending on the future analyzes and thoughts about that, we can search and use the well world renown symbols for the different professions and sciences studies and scatter them on those boards, in some cases with different rotations we'll find different anomaly ect....

    Although if we use that idea, we can mark those anomalies and positive signs with different techniques for example paintings from applied arts (metallic, chameleon, chemical). The worst possible sign - turned down pentagram - can be painted in green and red chameleon paint. This will show to our visitors caution, there is something bad in there ect...
    too much possibilities in a "puzzle" like that and this can be almost never ending game with our ordinary visitors and "players" :) ...

    Whatever, I'm not good English writer :D , I'll stop here cause I'll go to sleep, and I face too much troubles to express my thoughts :) . Will try again soon, when I make some sketches ect...

  3. I fully agree with Martie and Rumen about Professor Oleg's true artistry that is very beautiful and clearly, coherently thought out. He has really taught me a different approach to art that I did not see. I feel very honored learning under his great caliber of artistic skills. I have taken a couple of art classes, but never really challenged myself until I met Professor Oleg. He has really taught me that art is not simply about making places look beautiful and to entertain society, but also to put thought behind the creation and to create something that most people do not challenge themselves with.

    From reading Rumen's post, I agree that us as humans have all this time to think and use their imagination to create, but yet we do not challenge or find other forms of entertainment in order to keep our boredom away (I hope that is what you mean). I have noticed with my peers and in this century that we as humans do not really have as much initiative to create or subtract or divide or to even think things through on a more cognitive pattern. We do not question the things we do, nor do we want to advance our skills in any way. Looking back at history, we have many inventors, scientists, and creators, but throughout history the numbers of those people have decreased and now we have amounted to watching the latest reality TV show. This is something that makes me very sad with society. It is basic human need for creating, but this drive has been lacking for the past couple of years.

    As a psychology major, I thoroughly enjoy learning new ideas and understanding the human mind. I have been in Swarts numerous times (as all my classes take place in this building) and I have noticed that many people just live their lives day to day without really challenging their self. I am a very busy person in general, having many tests in a week and working on an independent project dealing with the psychology behind art, I find that Professor Oleg's class is helping a lot in my project. Martie suggested a book Art History by Laurie Shinder, and from reading this book I have really gathered an understanding behind the art movements and how we create as humans. Learning from Professor Oleg, though, has been very valuable time spent listening to his lectures. Professor Oleg really does portray the skills and thought process of a true Renaissance scholar and artist. There are times where understanding the message he is trying to get across can be a bit rocky, but once one understands, the complexity of thought behind his ideas are ingenious.

    This mural design is quite intriguing. I understand everything Professor Oleg is trying to convey, my biggest problem is finding the images for my area of study for the mural. I am not the best with thinking creatively without copy writing. I hope that I can help out in any way possible and working with this mural will really help my insight to psychology and art. I am thoroughly enjoying the ideas that Professor Oleg wants to establish and portray. It makes my mind feel more worthwhile. Thank you, Professor Oleg, for showing that art and creation has more thought behind it than what most of society believes.

  4. Anelia AleksandrovaMarch 5, 2011 at 2:26 PM

    Идеята да се създаде образ визуален еквивалент на мислещият и създаващ човек , явяващ се център на Вселената е изключително добро хрумване, което е едно смислово продължение на човека-творец от стенописа „Човекът и техниката” на Олег Гочев в Техническия университет в София от 1983 г. В този проект се наблюдава визуално и идейно надграждане на концепцията за съзидателното от стенописа от 1983 г., което показва едно развитие . Още по-интересен е идейният замисъл да се разчупи традиционното представяне на стенопис в покой посредством раздвижването на отделни плоскости в различни равнини, тяхното дву-лицево възприемане, което е един гениален подход за визуалното и идейно многообразие на творбата.
    По мое мнение, ако се реализира варианта, при който има възможност за променя на отделните сегменти, това би допринесло на университета да придобие няколко лица, благодарение на една творба и всеки ден интериора да има различен облик, който да не е даденост, а да е личен избор на всеки един преминаващ през това пространство.
    Изборът това е свобода, към която всеки се стреми!

  5. Anelia AleksandrovaMarch 8, 2011 at 1:43 PM

    Oleg Gochev’s idea to create a visual equivalent of the thinking and creating human, center of the Universe, is an exceptional one, and it is a logical extension of the thematic of his 1983 mural “Man and Technology” at the Technical University, Sofia. In this project the concept about the creation is developed further and it shows both growth of the idea and of the visual concept. Even more interesting is his idea to break the traditional static mural by moving around planes in different levels – a brilliant approach that will add to the visual and intellectual diversity of the art work.

    I think that, if the project with the dynamic segments would be implemented, thanks to this art work the university would have a new dynamic design, which would be the personal choice of the viewers passing by.

    The freedom to choose is the freedom that everyone would like to have.

  6. The project is incredible. I like the idea "Maximum program" very much. Congratulations to the author and all participants.
