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Friday, February 25, 2011

Ideas for Composing Diverse Academic Subjects onto the Mural

The major idea for arranging diverse academic subjects onto the mural layout is based on the relationship with human beings and towards the outside world and knowledge. Therefore the placement of different academic subjects is from inside towards outside depended on the human explorations of human beings and the surrounding world. For example, psychology and anthropology are placed closer to the center figure and other subjects, like sociology, environmental studies and history, etc., are arranged on the sider space of the figure.


  1. A great deal of planning and collaboration is going into this piece and I’m looking forward to seeing it complete by our team of painters.

  2. I enjoy the idea of utilizing all the spaces and how the different studies are being used in particular spaces. One can really tell that Professor Oleg has spent much time on the placement of each of the studies. In class he discussed the reasons for psychology, anthropology, and English are close to the human figure and that is because those studies are very much part of who the human is physically and mentally. In different cultures studied by anthropology, there is great differences in what "beautiful" is defined as physically. In America, the media portrays beauty as being skinny, while other cultures may find that curves are more beautiful. The same can go for psychology and how our mental states are shaped from the society and culture we live. Another big part to humanity is communication and language. We would be nowhere without communicating with each other and forming more ideas on how to create. The common saying of "two heads are better than one" is very truthful. I am very excited to work with Professor Oleg in order to convey this thought to the audience. I cannot express how much I enjoy this idea. At first I was very confused and unsure of where Professor Oleg was trying to explain, but after listening to his lectures and ideas, I fully understand the classic view of the mural design.
