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Friday, February 18, 2011

Mural Ideas of "Human and Scholarship" Mural

Herewith are the mural ideas of "Human and Scholarship" Mural:

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this PowerPoint that Professor Oleg presented because it helped me gain an understanding of what he is trying to convey. The way the triangle is used to show the breaking through the status quo and symbolizing the thought of achieving a main goal. Then explaining the square as the foundation of creation really gave more meaning to the mural design. Having the square represent how we, as humans, have evolved over time to build and create. I learned in one of my psychology courses that one of man's basic needs is to create. Professor Oleg has done a great job of portraying that need based in psychology. As for the circle and seeing how everything encompasses the world of man's creation against the material world really helps center the idea that our minds are more powerful than anything. We has humans want to create and think and to advance cognitively each day, month, year. I love how Professor Oleg has really added a much classic feel to a mural that depicts what we are here for; thinking and creating.
